While mainstream dentistry focuses primarily on mechanical issues, a biological dentist will focus primarily on the immune system and the neuropathic system. This means focusing on removing all toxicity and inflammation from teeth and surrounding bone to help the patient regain vitality, energy, systemic health and boost longevity. Immune dentistry helps reconnect the missing link between healthy teeth and a healthy gut.

The teeth & gut connection

Recent studies have furthered our understanding of the link between oral and periodontal diseases and gut health, specifically regarding conditions like Crohn’s Disease (CD) and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). There is an association between periodontal disease and increased gut colonisation of the oral bacterium Haemophilus parainfluenzae in patients with Crohn’s Disease.

Another significant study in evidence-based dentistry indicates that the prevalence of severe periodontitis is higher amongst IBD patients when compared to controls. This suggests a strong connection between inflammatory diseases of the gut and the oral cavity. Inflammation and regeneration present an intriguing concept of the oral-gut axis, emphasising the role of oral pathobionts (disease-causing microbes in the oral cavity) in gut inflammation.

These studies collectively suggest a complex interplay between oral health and gut inflammation, highlighting the need for comprehensive healthcare approaches that consider both oral and gut health.

Patients with gut problems have a higher consumption of dental treatments compared to control groups. Therefore, it’s crucial for patients with gut-related issues to pay close attention to their oral health and to seek regular dental care. 

At White Clinic, our regular dental care goes above and beyond: we thrive on researching new technologies and therapies, we enjoy discovering all the scientifically-backed evidence, applying it and watching it unfold successfully.

We believe removing all sources of chronic inflammation is key in preventing chronic illness and various diseases, while contributing to overall health, wellbeing and longevity… and it all starts in the mouth. How do we know this? We see it every single day.

You can find more detailed information here:

*Consumption of Dental Treatment in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, a Register Study

*Periodontal disease is associated with increased gut colonization of pathogenic Haemophilus parainfluenzae in patients with Crohn’s disease

*Is there any link between periodontitis and inflammatory bowel diseases?


Written by Dr. Miguel Stanley.

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