Healthy Teeth = Healthy Gut

While mainstream dentistry focuses primarily on mechanical issues, a biological dentist will focus primarily on the immune system and the neuropathic system. This means focusing on removing all toxicity and inflammation from teeth and surrounding bone to help the patient regain vitality, energy, systemic health and boost longevity. Immune dentistry helps reconnect the missing link between healthy teeth and a healthy gut.

Healthy Teeth = Healthy Heart

The dental community has known for decades about the correlation between oral health and cardiac health or better yet, between oral inflammation and heart disease. It’s not just about healthy teeth and gums anymore, it is also about the quality of your dental treatments.

Healthy Teeth = Healthy Brain

I’ve been connecting the dots between oral health and general health for over 25 years now and that connection is not only undeniable, but has become increasingly significant as we clearly understand that if something is wrong in the body, the diagnosis process may very well need to begin with the mouth.